To enhance scientific relations and improve communications between Physicists in Poland and Russia Federation, the Polish Physical Society (PPS) and the United Physical Society of Russian Federation (UPS RF) agree the following:

1. Scientific contacts
1.1 The Polish Physical Society and the UPS RF will facilitate contacts between physicists in Russian Federation and Poland promoting direct liaison between individual scientists, laboratories and institutes, encouraging and facilitating attendance at conferences, symposia, summer schools and other scientific meetings in Russian Federation and Poland.
1.2. The special attention will be paid the establishment of contacts between teams of Physicists of Poland and Russian Federation having a goal the participation in possible joint scientific projects. The Polish Physical Society and UPS RF will provide any possible help in preparation of possible joint scientific projects.
1.3. The Polish Physical Society and the UPS RF will provide advice and information to assist physicists from both countries to carry out visits to the other country.

2. Information exchange
2.1. The PPS and the UPS RF will exchange information concerning scientific projects, which may be of interest to the other side.
2.2. The PPS and the UPS RF will, on a regular basis, exchange information about planned conferences, symposia, specialized seminars, summer schools and other meetings, which may be of interest to physicists of the other country.
2.3. The PPS and the UPS RF will provide assistance to each other in making available scientific literature, which is not available or difficult to obtain in the other country.
2.4. The PPS and the UPS RF will exchange information concerning teaching physics at secondary and tertiary level.
2.5. The PPS and the UPS RF will provide one free subscription of its journals to an institution nominated by the receiving side, during the time of the agreement duration.

3. Exchange of physicists
3.1. The PPS and the UPS RF will arrange for financial support (according to their possibilities or to their influence ) to enable the participation of physicists from the other country, in particular young physicists under the age of 30, in conferences, symposia, specialized seminars, summer schools and other meetings in their own country.
3.2. The host side provides the informational support and support in organization of the trip for coming Physicists. The possibility and form of financial support are discussed for any concrete case.
3.3. The sending side will supply the host side with essential details of its nominated physicists not later than two months before the proposed date of arrival in the host country.

4. Procedures
4.1. On the PPS side, contacts between the two partners will be managed by the General Secretary. On the UPS RF side, contacts between the two partners will be managed by Executive Director of UPS RF.
4.2. The PPS and the UPS RF will provide to each other information about changes of their statutory authorities as soon as possible.
4.3. No provisions of this agreement should be deemed to preclude the possibility of the two sides entering into short-term arrangements and agreements pertaining to specific issues (e.g., subscription of physical journals, number of person-days provided for under exchange arrangements, etc.).
4.4. Amendments to the document shall be by a mutual agreement.

5. Duration
5.1. This agreement shall come into force just after signing and shall continue for five years thereafter.
5.2. The agreement shall be extended by further five years period unless one partner notifies the other, at least six months before the date of the agreement's expiry, of its intentions to the contrary.

Signed, for the PPS
Prof. Dr. hab. Maciej Kolwas
President of Polish Physical Society     
Signed, for the UPS RF
Academician Sergey N. Bagayev,
Vice-President of Russian Federation Physical Society
April, 2002

Kiryl A. Bojarczuk (dyrektor wykonawczy ZTF FR) i Maciej Kolwas
(prezes PTF) po wymianie tekstu umowy Kiril A. Boyarchuk (the executive director of UPS RF) and Maciej Kolwas (the president of PPS) have exchanged texts of the agreement.
Photo A. Kopystynska