Ogłoszenia o pracy

Ogłoszenia na stronach Wydziału Fizyki UW (sierpień - wrzesień 2006)

Date sent: Wed, 04 May 2006 19:11:31 +0200
From: joachim.schnadt@sljus.lu.se

7 PhD-student positions

7 PhD-student positions available within the European Early Stage Researcher Training Network MONET - Molecular Networks at Phase Boundaries
Seven PhD-student positions are currently available within the European Early Stage Researcher Training Network MONET - Molecular Networks at Phase Boundaries. MONET, with in total 14 PhD-student positions at seven host sites in six European countries, offers a broad PhD-student education within nanoscience. It specialises in the physics and chemistry of surface molecular networks at the boundaries to gas and liquid phases.
Presently seven positions are available as follows:
- Lund University, Sweden (one position)
- University of Aarhus, Denmark (one position)
- Fritz-Haber-Institute, Berlin, Germany (two positions)
- Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France (two positions)
- Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain (one position).
Please refer to our website http://www.sljus.lu.se/monet/ prior to applying. There you will find a more detailed description of the network including the scientific case, a list of PhD-student projects, supervisors, and information about the application procedure.
The next application deadlines are on 1 June 2006 and 1 September 2006.

Contact and further information:
Dr. Joachim Schnadt
Department of Synchrotron Radiation Research
Lund University
Box 118
221 00 Lund
Phone: +46 46 22 20469
E-mail: monet@sljus.lu.se
Web: http://www.sljus.lu.se/monet/